SERVPRO of Columbus | SERVPRO of S. Muscogee / Chattahoochee County Employee Photos

Male employee with black hair

Brandon Carraway

Brandon Carraway is an Owner at SERVPRO of Columbus. He is the oldest son of our founding owner and has been working with the company full time since 1997 when he graduated from Jordan High School. Brandon is IICRC certified and in 2008 received his General Contractors License in the State of Georgia. He enjoys tournament fishing as well as hunting all types of game.

Female employee with blonde hair

Crystal Carraway

Crystal Carraway is the Office Manager at SERVPRO of Columbus. She has been with SERVPRO of Columbus since 2009. She received her Bachelor Degree in Business Administration in 2005 from Columbus State University. Crystal was born and raised in Columbus and graduated from Shaw High School. She is IICRC certified in WRT, OCT , HST and TCST. She enjoys spending time with her husband (Brandon) and their two daughters.

Male with dark hair and black shirt.

Hagan Carraway

Hagan Carraway is a Project Manager with SERVPRO of Columbus. He is the son of our owner Dennis so he has many years of experience in the restoration industry. He is certified with IICRC in Fire & Smoke restoration. He has also completed certification for Crime and Trauma Scene Bio-Recovery as well as having his contractors license for the State of Georgia. 

Female Employee with short brown hair

Casey Roberts

Casey Roberts is the Operations Manager for SERVPRO of Columbus. Casey has been with SERVPRO over 10 years; She came to SERVPRO of Columbus from another SERVPRO franchise in 2014. She has completed our rigorous SERVPRO Employee Certification Program and is IICRC certified WRT and FSRT.

Female employee with brown hair

Brandy Green

Brandy Green is the Accounting Clerk at SERVPRO of Columbus. Brandy has been with us since 2014. Her extensive knowledge of accounting principles has been an asset to our company. Outside of work she spends time with her teenage son and family. 

Female employee with long blonde hair

Amanda Pippin

Amanda is now our Mitigation Auditor/Estimator here at SERVPRO of Columbus. Amanda has been a part of our SERVPRO team since June of 2018. She has over four years of customer service experience. Amanda, has completed our SERVPRO U Training.  When Amanda is not working, she enjoys spending her time with her husband and their four children. 

Female Employee Brown Hair with blonde highlights

Ashley Parette

Ashley is our Construction Manager at SERVPRO of Columbus. She has been in the restoration industry for over 6 years. Ashley has been with us since 2019, but previously worked with the SERVPRO brand for many years prior. When she is not working she enjoys spending time with her family and creating memories on the beach. 

female employee medium brown hair

Mitzi Ceron

Mitzi is one of our Construction Administrative Assistants. With a background in customer service, you will usually see her conducting site inspections. Mitzi likes to cook and making memories with her daughters.

blonde female employee

Lindsey Little

Lindsey is our Construction Admin. She has been with SERVPRO of Columbus since 2021 with many years of customer service under her belt she enjoys the work she does here at SERVPRO and the great people she works with. When Lindsey is not at work she loves to spend time with her family creating memories.

male employee short brown hair

Cory Pease

Cory is one of our Construction Project Managers. He has extensive knowledge in construction and years of experience as a subcontractor. In his free time, Cory enjoys quality time with his son and going to the beach.

Male, dark brown beard, and short cut hair

Jonathan Westbrook

Jonathan Westbrook is a Project Manager for our Construction Department. He's been working with SERVPRO of Columbus since 2021. Jonathan comes from a background within the construction industry. When he is not working he is spending time with family & friends, enjoying the outdoors & watching Auburn Football. 

male employee

Preston Britt

Preston Britt is a Project Manager at SERVPRO of Columbus and has several years of construction experience. When Preston isn't at work, he enjoys spending time with his kids, going fishing, traveling to the beach, and watching Auburn Football.

Male employee smiling

Diogenes J. Rexach Monroig

Rex is the Warehouse Manager here at SERVPRO of Columbus. He began working with us in February of 2017. Rex has over seven years experience in this industry. Rex holds certifications through IICRC and SERVPRO. Rex also retired from the US ARMY after serving for 5.5 years. In his free time, he likes to build furniture and spend time with his wife, children and grandkids. 

Male with Brown Hair

Joey Drury

Joey Drury, is our Commercial Business Developer/Marketing at SERVPRO of Columbus. He's been with SERVPRO since 2021 and has completed the SERVPRO U training and is in the process on completing the IICRC Certifications. When Joey is not working at the office, he is spending quality time with his Wife and children. Hobbies include hunting and BBQ Competitions. 

Female employee with blonde hair

Maria Smith

Maria Smith is a Fire Crew Department at SERVPRO of Columbus. She has been with our company since 2019 and has completed our ECPT program as well as completing the new LMS training. Maria is also IICRC certified in Fire & Smoke Restoration.

female employee

Megan Hornsby

I have 5 years of cleaning experience and have been with the SERVPRO brand for 2 years now. I've completed the SERVPROU training and I'm currently working towards my IICRC. When I'm not working, I'm spending time with my little girl and family.   

female employee

Ayanna Melson

Ayanna started in 2024 and is apart of the Fire Crew at SERVPRO of Columbus. She is a hard worker and dedicated to getting the job done. Her motto is "God first, yourself, and most importantly family". 

Tall male, no hair, beard

Josh Hartin

Josh Hartin is a Production Technician here at SERVPRO of Columbus. He has been with us since July 2021. Josh, comes with 20 plus years of construction experience and restoration experience. When Josh is not working he is spending time with his children.  

male employee

Dee Comer

Dee is in our Water Mitigation Department and has 5 years experience in Customer Service. Dee also has 6 years experience in industrial industry. During his free time, he enjoys spending time with his family.

female employee

Liz Edwards

Elizabeth is our Collections Admin here at SERVPRO of Columbus. She is new to our SERVPRO team and has over 3 years of customer service and enjoys the people she works with. When she is not working she loves spending time with her two kids and playing the piano for local churches and middle schools around Muscogee and Harris County.

female employee

Shannon Smith

Shannon Smith is the Front Desk Receptionist/Admin at SERVPRO of Columbus. She graduated from Columbus Tech in 2000 with an Associates degree in Business. She is a mother of two and has one granddaughter. Shannon loves spending time with her children and family. She enjoys gardening and flowers as well as watching the Braves play with her son, Jagger.

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